Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ten Days and Counting

We're officially at the ten-day mark. I'm back in Auburn, trying to finish packing all of my stuff. I don't know about everyone else, but really seeing just how much stuff I have kind of makes me sick. I wish I wasn't leaving most of it at my parent's house so I could just sell all of it online while I'm down in Orlando. I do have a few boxes to start with, but there is so much more I need to get rid of.

Here's a picture from about the half-way point in boxing things up. And most of this is just essentials! My holiday (mostly Halloween) decorations are where I'm on overload. I really should pare down, but it's just so hard to get rid of such awesome stuff. Especially when you get awesome stuff on clearance! Man..

Anyway. I'll be going to back to Birmingham for New Year's Eve and then staying for a few more days. Then it's back to Auburn for a final day of packing. Let the exhaustion begin.

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