Sunday, September 22, 2013

Doing the DCP Right After Graduation

You know, to anyone saying that I should be looking for a management position right out of college instead of taking an entry-level paid internship: That's just not the way things work for everyone. Even if I was offered a management position somewhere, I don't know if I would take it simply because I don't have enough job experience to be a good manager at this point in my life. Sure, I've learned all the concepts and psychology behind quality guest service, but how could I guide others in a position that I haven't even had much experience in myself? The hospitality industry appreciates people who work their way up. That's how people get to where they want to be.

As a concierge, I am going to be going through lengthy, in-depth training with the Walt Disney Company. I am going to learn about the front desk, sales, guest service, and so much more. I will be able to apply that knowledge and those skills to many other positions within the company after the program ends. Additionally, I will have the opportunity to network with so many cast members in leadership positions and may even have the chance to shadow someone in a department that I'd be interested in working for.

Since I am only doing the Spring program, my role will be ending in May of 2014. I will be looking at a few options at that point. First, I will be applying to the alumni-only Professional Internships. Additionally, I will be looking at staying as a full-time employee (or whatever I can get to stay on as a regular cast member). If neither of those options work out for me, I will also look into extending my program through Spring Advantage, which lasts until August. Then I will start the process over again.

And if none of that works? There's always Universal!

I personally think this is a great opportunity for me and I see a lot of doors opening up after this experience. I know I won't be making the big bucks upon arrival, but I think I could eventually earn a comfortable living if I stay with the company.

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